226-751-DOGS (3647)


6 month German Shepherd

After training with Cheri Lucas a protégée of Cesar Million in May 2013, Nicole decided she wanted to expand her pack to include a more powerful breed, which she could also use for pack integration work with unbalanced dogs.  Nicole choose to get a puppy from a more challenging back ground. Cyprus is a German Shepherd from german lines, the higher drive working line shepherds, and his father was actually in training to be a police dog at one point.  Cyprus has inherited his mother’s sweet demeanour and his father’s supreme confidence.  Already this young pup has taught Nicole much about working with very confident dogs.

Cyprus is just starting to do rehabilitation work with unbalanced dogs and is doing very well so far.  Nicole has made every effort to socialize him with a variety of people and dogs to ensure he maintains an ambassador for his breed.  Like the other pack members, Cyprus is quickly learning to accept Nicole as Pack Leader. This involves relinquishing control to Nicole, letting her lead and control the pack, claim all (food, objects, and toys), regulate when and when not to play, and maintain control of the household. This is very important as Cyprus shares his life with three fully flighted parrots whom he must be totally submissive to and trust worthy with.